After the first months of work, finally we have a capacity building plan. Starting from the expertise of INOVA+ in the educational field both with the experiences of Dataninja in the field of data, the capacity building plan has been drafted for the initial assessment to be carried out by schools. After including feedback from schools, the capacity building plan has been released as the “North Star” to implement the next phases of the project. The plan has been created in line with “DigComp 2.1 – The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens” by the European Commission, “DigCompEDU – European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators” and the “DigComp Into Action” guide. As for regarding the teaching approach of Data Literacy, Dataninja introduced the Data Literacy Competence Model, developed by the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Digital and Media Literacy, as explained in a previous post. Now we are ready to:
- Create the course content
- Start the training of teachers.
Please find at this link the downloadable version of the Data Literate capacity building plan.